Voici Sam, un chat qui a eu la malchance de naître avec deux tâches sombres sur le dessus du crâne. Résultat ? Il a toujours l’air surpris. Voici l’histoire de chat aux allures distingués :
On March 2012, Sam’s owner found a empty cat carrier in front of his house. At first he didn’t give it much thought until he noticed a cat, showing a very distinctive marking, hidden away in a small crevice behind his house. After taking Sam in, the owner did not want to get to attached to Sam at first, as they already owned two cats and knew they couldn’t keep a third. But — since no mere mortal could ever resist such a Disney-cute stare — they decided to keep Sam instead.
L’autre possibilité, c’est que son instagrammer de maître (déjà 35 000 followers) ait pris un malin plaisir de lui peinturlurer le poil. Les hipster sont prêt à tout, non ?
Source : Bizarbin